We Geek Together

Festival of Peace


This is the first of our weekly adventures that tell the story of Kingdom Grand and the upcoming Dead Wars. Play alongside the store or change it and use it for your own adventures. These simple adventures are super easy to prep and work for a 2-3 hour game.

“It has been a year since the Goddess' sacrifice for Kingdom Grand—a year of hard work, rebuilding, and expanding. New Grand is now a beacon of civilization. A collection of many different cultures and races that joined together to defeat the Evil One now have flourished and grown. Far expanding outside the old, crumbled walls, this mega city is preparing for the Festival of Peace—a celebration in the Goddess' honor and sacrifice. City streets are lined with stalls of vendors selling toys and candy. The smell of sweet rolls and cinnamon fills the air. The Spear of the Goddess have been invited as guests of honor, each given a golden sash to wear on their person. You and your companions find yourselves in the middle of the celebration.”

The file download is a PDF file, sized 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches high.  It's mostly black-and-white, so it should print pretty well on a home printer.  12 pages in total.